What does partial giveback mean in Clustered Data ONTAP?
Applies to
- Two types of failovers can occur
- CFO (cluster failover): This is a failover of the root aggregate.
- SFO (storage failover): This is a failover of the data aggregates.
- If a node is in a partial giveback state, it means that the root aggregate has been given back, but the giveback of one or more SFO (Data) aggregates is pending or failed.
- Running the
storage failover show
command, an output similar to the following is displayed:
::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
Node-1 Node-2 true Connected to Node-2.
Node-2 Node-1 true Connected to Node-1,Partial giveback
- However, the output of the
cluster show
the command will display no issues:
::> cluster show
Node Health Eligibility Epsilon
-------------------- ------- ------------ ------------
node-01 true true false
node-02 true true false
2 entries were displayed.
- Data services remain intact from the partner node.
Additional Information
- If giveback is interrupted or vetoed: Manual giveback commands
- Why is the giveback of an ONTAP aggregate vetoed?