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NetApp Knowledge Base

Infinite Volumes are no longer supported in 9.5 and above . What is the recommended configuration and migration path to replace the Infinite Volume?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.5 and later
  • Infinite Volumes


  • Starting in ONTAP 9.4, infinite volumes could no longer be created with admin privileges. This step prepared for the eventual removal of Infinite Volume support in ONTAP 9.5 and later. Starting in ONTAP 9.5, infinite volumes can no longer be created or modified, and an infinite volume cannot have protocol access.
  • The current migration path is copy-based.
  • The NetApp XCP Migration Tool is free and was designed specifically for scoping, migration, and management of large sets of unstructured NAS data. The initial version was NFSv3 only, but a CIFS version is now available.

Additional Information

  • To use the tool, download it and request a free license (for software tracking purposes only).
  • If infinite volumes are present in an ONTAP cluster and you attempt to upgrade, the ONTAP compatibility checker prevents the upgrade from completing and warns of existing infinite volumes. Be sure to use the NetApp Upgrade Advisor when planning your ONTAP upgrade.


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