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Giveback of one or more aggregate failed operation vetoed by lock manager

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • ONTAP Select
  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP
  • Non Continuously Available (CA) shares


  • After a node reboot, one of the data aggregates does not return to its home node:

::> storage failover show

Node           Partner        Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
node1          node2          true     Connected to node2
node2          node1          true     Connected to node1, Giveback of
                                       one or more SFO aggregates failed

2 entries were displayed.

  • Node is in partial giveback since SFO (storage failover) was vetoed by lock_manager:

::> storage failover show-giveback

Node           Aggregate         Giveback Status
-------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------
                                 No aggregates to give back
               CFO Aggregates    Done
               aggr_node1        Failed: Operation was vetoed by
Giveback failed during lock
                                 manager veto checks or the pre-commit phase.
                                 For veto failures, use the "vserver cifs
                                 session file show -hosting-aggregate
                                 <aggregate list> -continously-available No"
                                 command to view the open files that have
                                 CIFS sessions with non-CA locks established.
                                 <aggregate list> is the list of aggregates
                                 sent home as a result of the giveback
                                 operation. If lock state disruption for all
                                 existing non-CA locks is acceptable, retry
                                 the giveback operation by specifying
                                 "-override-vetoes true". Warning: Overriding
                                 vetoes to perform a giveback can be
                                 disruptive. For pre-commit failure, search
                                 for the lmgr.precommit.oplock.recall EMS
                                 variant for information on how to proceed
                                 using the "event log show -event
                                 lmgr.precommit.oplock.recall.*" command. If
                                 the error persists, contact technical
                                 support for assistance.
2 entries were displayed.

  • A message similar to the following may be logged in EMS:

[node2: cf_giveback: gb.sfo.veto.lmgr.nonCA.locks:error]: Could not complete giveback because of non-CA locks on volume vol_node1@vserver:123a-123a-123a-123a-123a-1234567890ab SFO aggregate aggr_node1.

[node2: cf_giveback: sfo.sendhome.subsystemAbort:alert]: The giveback operation of 'aggr_DATA' was aborted by 'lock_manager'.
[node2: cf_giveback: ha.giveback.totalVetoChk:debug]: Total time taken to check whether to veto the giveback of aggregate 'aggr_DATA' was 5 msecs.

  • BlueXP Canvas is indicating an alert:

"Working Environment is degraded" on the "XXX" system.


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