Configuration backup is failing after ONTAP upgrade to 9.14.1
Applies to
[mgwd: configbr.backupFailed:alert]: The cluster configuration backup jh-netapp.8hour.2024-04-30.18_15_05.7z cannot be created. Error: 'Failed to create tarball for backup "jh-netapp.8hour.2024-04-30.18_15_05.7z". Error: Failed to create package with name "/mroot/etc/backups/.tmp/jh-netapp.8hour.2024-04-30.18_15_05.7z"'.
cluster1::*> configuration backup settings show
(system configuration backup settings show)
Backup Destination URL: -
Username for Destination: -
Validate Digital Certificate: -
Schedule 1: 8hour
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 1: 2
Schedule 2: daily
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 2: 2
Schedule 3: weekly
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 3: 2
Location for backup scratch space: memory
Reserved size of scratch space in memory: 1GB