CONTAP-65553: Volume delete fail on SVM DR claiming Flexvol is a FlexCache origin volume
::*> vol delete -vserver svm1 -volume vol1
Error: command failed: Volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm1" is an origin of a FlexCache volume. To delete an origin of a FlexCache volume, you must first delete the FlexCache
volumes that are in relationship with the origin. Use the "volume flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver svm1 -origin-volume vol1" command to show the FlexCache
volumes associated with the origin.
::*> volume flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship -origin-vserver svm1 -origin-volume vol1 -cache-vserver svm_cache -cache-volume vol_cache -force-retry true
Warning: This command only needs to be run if "volume flexcache delete" fails on the FlexCache cluster and prompts you to run this command. The cache configuration will be deleted and cannot be reestablished
for the cache relationship between origin of a FlexCache volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm1" and FlexCache volume "vol_cache" in Vserver
"svm_cache". Running this command unless guided by the "volume flexcache delete" command or NetApp Support can lead to unwanted outcomes.
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Error: command failed: entry doesn't exist