CONTAP-244584: SAML authentication using MS Entra ID stopped working from ONTAP 9.14.1
- SAML authentication using Microsoft Entra ID stopped working from ONTAP 9.14.1
- While providing the IDP, ONTAP System Manager GUI returns with error:
"The data file wasn't downloaded from the specified IdP URI." - ONTAP CLI as well as SAML-STATUS-CLUSTER.XML gives error:
"SAML job failed, Reason: Failed to download data from URL<idp_url>. Reason: Transferred a partial file." - MGWD.log:
"[kern_mgwd:info:3383] 0x82a2cff00: 8603e8000006ea6c: ERR: URL::URL:
download:src/ Mismatch in curl downloaded file size and
remote package size. Remote package size: xxxx B, Curl downloaded
file size: yyyy B, Remote file:<idp_url>, Local file:
[kern_mgwd:info:3383] 0x82a2cff00: 8603e8000006ea6c: ERR:
saml_job_job: download from<idp_url> to
/mroot/etc/shibboleth/tmp_conf-bb87-6d5f-6860-660c.conf (!verify):
Transferred a partial file
[kern_mgwd:info:3383] 0x8331f7900: 8603e8000006ea74: WARNING:
job_manager::job_sched: process_modify:src/ UIID:6165
UUID:xxxxx name:SAML Master Job rc:1 Doing nothing in modify
callback for job, since it's pending cleanup"