Metrocluster adapter xx encountered a command timeout on disk device
- Views:
- 72
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- Category:
- metrocluster
- Specialty:
- metrocluster
- Last Updated:
- 8/7/2024, 11:41:33 AM
Applies to
- Fabric MetroCluster
The following errors are seen in EMS logs:
Thu May 30 00:10:39 +0200 [cl01-n01: isp2400_timeout_1: fci.device.quiesce:debug]: Adapter 1c encountered a command timeout on Disk device switch01:13.126 (0x01234d99) LUN 16 cdb 0xea:0xea:zz22c000:0440 retry: 0 Quiescing the device.
Thu May 30 00:10:40 +0200 [cl01-n01: isp2400_timeout_1: fci.device.timeout:debug]: HBA 1c encountered a device timeout on Disk device switch01:13.126 (0x01234d99) LUN 16 cdb 0xea:0xea:zz22c000:0440 retry: 0
Thu May 30 00:10:40 +0200 [cl01-n01: isp2400_intrd: scsi.cmd.abortedByHost:error]: Disk device switch01:13.126L16: Command aborted by host adapter: HA status 0x4: cdb 0xea:zz22c000:0440.
indicates a specific ATTO fibrebridge and dumpconfiguration
output on the bridge shows a high number of loss of signal errors on FC port 1:port link-fail loss-sig loss-sync invalid-tx invalid-crc prev-state curr-state device-info
1: 4 11950071 0 -2 27 ----- 16Gb/ptp
2: 0 0 0 0 0 ----- 16Gb/ptp
on the switch shows no errors on the switch port connected to FC port 1 of the bridge.