Restoring a directory using snapshot restore fails
Applies to
- Snapshot Restore
- Commvault
The following error Reason: Inappropriate file type or format
is seen in AUDIT logs when restoring directory using "snapshot restore"
0000001b.0292381d 120fa3d7 Thu Sep 29 2022 10:00:28 +02:00 [kern_audit:info:2078] 8503e80003a91ee9 :: cluster1:ontapi :: pii_encrypt/un7xxAY/9Z+Z90ZEHVGQekg/oWD5WwbH7hHDAuVmsxD1HsVq/Osduh05S+i/D1xt/pii_encrypt :: rz2pfxsvm008:pii_encrypt/un7xxAY/9Z+Z90ZEHVGQesiMroSr0mu/1UVRcCtixrKN5vh4h/agrxuUVATd3MtL/pii_encrypt :: snapshot-restore-file :: Error: Failed to restore file from Snapshot copy snap1 for volume "vol1" on Vserver "vserver1". Reason: Inappropriate file type or format.