SnapMirror relationships report "SnapMirrored" State before baseline is completed
Applies to
- SnapMirror
- SnapMirror relationships report a "SnapMirrored" Mirror State before they are completely done with the initial baseline replication transfer of all source volume data and Snapshots.
- For example, when initializing a source volume with 5TB used, the relationship reports a "SnapMirrored" Mirror State after moving just 27GB as seen here in the snapmirror show command:
CLUSTERB::> snapmirror show
Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last
Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
svmprod:volprod XDP svmdr:voldr Snapmirrored Transferring 27GB false 07/08 11:01:52
- In addition, the SnapMirror audit logs, located in /etc/log/snapmirror_audit on the destination controller, report a completed initialize operation with a smaller-than-expected bytes_transferred field.
Mon Jul 8 08:31:34 EDT 2019 Initialize[Jul 8 08:31:34]:01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Operation-Uuid=01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=Start source=svmprod:volprod destination=svmdr:voldr
Mon Jul 8 08:35:57 EDT 2019 Initialize[Jul 8 08:31:34]:01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Operation-Uuid=01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Group=none Operation-Cookie=0 action=End source=svmprod:volprod destination=svmdr:voldr status=Success bytes_transferred=26602694388 network_compression_ratio=1.0:1 transfer_desc=Logical Transfer with Storage Efficiency - Optimized Directory Mode Note=Scheduled update operation is queued.
- This is immediately followed by a ScheduledUpdate operation even if the relationship does not have a schedule defined. The ScheduledUpdate operation reports the remaining Snapshots to-be-transferred from the source.
Mon Jul 8 08:35:57 EDT 2019 ScheduledUpdate[Jul 8 08:31:34]:01234567-0123-0123-0123-
01234567890a Operation-Uuid=01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Group=none OperationCookie=0 action=Start source=svmprod:volprod destination=svmdr:voldr
Mon Jul 8 08:35:57 EDT 2019 ScheduledUpdate[Jul 8 08:31:34]:01234567-0123-0123-0123-
01234567890a Operation-Uuid=01234567-0123-0123-0123-01234567890a Group=none OperationCookie=0 action=Transfer_snapshots (1 of 1 log entries): daily.2019-07-07_0010,weekly.2019-07-07_0015,daily.2019-07-08_0010,hourly.2019-07-08_0305,hourly.2019-07-08_0405,hourly.2019-07-08_0505,hourly.2019-07-08_0605,hourly.2019-07-08_0705,hourly.2019-07-
- This occurs on SnapMirror type-XDP relationships when they are using the MirrorAllSnapshots SnapMirror policy. You can check the type of SnapMirror and SnapMirror policy is in use by running the command
snapmirror show -fields type,policy
This is the default relationship type and SnapMirror policy in ONTAP 9.3 and 9.4. - SnapMirror type-XDP relationships using the MirrorAllSnapshots SnapMirror policy report a "Snapmirrored" Mirror State after successfully replicating the first Snapshot in the source volume. The remaining Snapshots are transferred using a SnapMirror update operation which is built-in to the initialize operation against these SnapMirror relationships. The baseline of the source volume should not be considered complete until this update operation has ended successfully.