Procedure for SVM disaster recovery and reverse resync in system manager (GUI)
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.8
- System Manager
- SVM Disaster Recovery (SVM-DR) with identity preserve.
- This KB is a walkthrough for a basic SVM Disaster Recovery (DR) Test (Mock Drill) and reversal in ONTAP 9.8 via GUI (sysmgr) for a relationship with identity preserve set to true. For CLI, refer the KB - SVMDR Testing Procedure.
- In the event of a disaster or planned failover, you may need to execute the failover process to make the destination SVM active. After the issue is resolved, you can failback to the original configuration.
- Document the entire process, including configurations, policies, and any changes made during the SVM DR setup. This documentation is crucial for future reference and disaster recovery planning.
- After setting up SVM DR, regularly monitor the replication status, and perform routine maintenance tasks as needed. This includes updates, configuration adjustments, and periodic testing to ensure the DR system is still functional.