Primary Snapshots locked and retention not applied in a vault-vault cascade
Applies to
- SnapMirror
- Cascade
Snapshots created on the primary cluster are not rotated based on their set retention when the Secondary SnapMirror schedule is used to create Long Term Retention snapshots.
MGWD.log on Primary Cluster
00000025.005b096c028bb068 Thu Aug 25 2022 23:16:06 +02:00 [kern_mgwd:info:2376] 0x821bec200:8503eb000000c44c: ERR: VOPL:Util: forceAndIgnoreOwners 626Snapshot(vol1_08-23-2022_23.15.00.0481)is in use as ref snapshot(owners: snapmirrorDP.b85fca40a2f8e411a9d900a0983ddd1e_2156291593.dstOwned).