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How to run SnapMirror reverse resync with "-quick-resync" parameter

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Extended Data Protection (XDP)
  • ONTAP 9


This article describes the procedure to run a SnapMirror reverse resync with -quick-resync true

Note: -quick-resync true only works with Type XDP relationships.

This parameter helps reduce the completion time for SnapMirror reverse resync in a scenario where these three conditions exist:

  • An XDP SnapMirror or SVMDR reverse resync takes much longer than expected
  • It appears as if transfers are very slow, with a low amount of data sent to the destination
  • snapmirror show  or ONTAP System Manager reports a SnapMirror Relationship Status Preparing for a significant amount of time, indicating an ongoing Data Warehouse rebuild operation
About Data Warehouse rebuild operations
  • Relationships with a Relationship Status of Preparing are involved in a Data Warehouse rebuild operation
  • The Data Warehouse includes metadata critical in maintaining deduplication savings from the source volume
  • Data Warehouse rebuilds are expected for Type-XDP SnapMirror or SVMDR relationships when the relationship is reversed in a reverse resync or "flip resync"


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