How to force SnapMirror to break a hung-in transitioning relationship that is unable to quiesce
Applies to
- Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode
Contents: Transitioning
state. It is unable to quiesce or break off the relationship.
The break depends upon the quiesce, and the quiesce might hang for hours without any result. SnapMirror reports the Transferring
status, but with no progress in the byte count.
break -h
reports the following error:
qtree is currently involved in another operation
Attempting to re-initialize the SnapMirror relationship reports the following error:
replication destination could not remove temporary directory
The following is example output:
snapmirror status -l xdcnsgp1:/vol/build_com/build
Snapmirror is on.
Source: xdcnsgp1:/vol/vol5/build
Destination: xdcnsgp1:/vol/build_com/build
Status: Transferring
Progress: 5396033940 KB
State: Uninitialized
Lag: -
Mirror Timestamp: -
Base Snapshot: -
Current Transfer Type: Initialize
Current Transfer Error: -
Contents: Transitioning
Last Transfer Type: -
Last Transfer Size: -
Last Transfer Duration: -
Last Transfer From: -
In the above case, the SnapMirror relationship cannot be altered while the SnapMirror service is enabled, because the service has a lock on the state of the destination Qtree.