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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cluster peer failures after encryption changes

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.11.1P8
  • Encryption
  • Cluster peering


  • Cluster peering fails after updating the encryption ciphers suites on one cluster in a cluster peer.
  • When cluster peer health show -bypass-cache true is run we see the connection to the nodes as:
cluster1::> cluster peer health show -bypass-cache true
Node       Cluster-Name                 Node-Name
             Ping-Status               RDB-Health Cluster-Health Availability
---------- --------------------------- --------- --------------- ------------
c1node-01    cluster2                  c2node-01
             Data: unreachable
             ICMP: interface_reachable true      true            false
             Data: unreachable
             ICMP: interface_reachable true      true            false
c1node-02    cluster2                  c2node-01
             Data: unreachable
             ICMP: interface_reachable true      true            false
             Data: unreachable
             ICMP: interface_reachable true      true            false
4 entries were displayed.

  • After adding the required cipher suite to both clusters the failure persists
  • KTLS handshake alerts can be seen

ktls.cnxnHandshakeLimit: ONTAP reached the maximum limit of 170 concurrent TLS connection handshakes

[cluster: ktlsd: ktls.failed:notice]: "The TLS connections have failed several times with remote host '' in IPspace 'xxxxxxx', 
for which the latest reason given is: OpenSSL: error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported protocol."


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