CONTAP-121714: SMBC can not be released after partial clean up
After an SM-BC was cleaned on the Destination side, the snapmirror release failed:
[ Cluster1::> snapmirror release Dest:/cg/cg_test_dest
Warning: You are releasing the source endpoint of a SnapMirror Business Continuity (SMBC) relationship. Ensure the relationship is deleted from the destination first to avoid the possibility of an inconsistent host path.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Warning: Snapshot copies on source "source:/cg/cg_test" generated by SnapMirror for the purpose of mirroring to destination "Dest:/cg/cg_test_dest" will be deleted. Once these Snapshot copies are deleted, it will not be possible to re-establish a mirroring relationship between these two endpoints unless there are other common Snapshot copies between the endpoints.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Relationship information has been updated and is being propagated. Wait a few minutes and try the command again.]