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NetApp Knowledge Base

Unable to attach object store as the aggregate host FlexGroup volumes

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • FabricPool
  • FlexGroup volume


Attaching an object store to an aggregate fails:
cluster1::> aggr object-store attach -aggregate aggr3_cluster1 -object-store-name ontap_s3

Warning: Once an aggregate becomes a FabricPool, there is no way to reverse the process and make it a non-FabricPool. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed: By default, aggregates hosting FlexGroup constituents cannot have object stores attached. To attach an object store to an aggregate hosting FlexGroup constituents set the "-allow-flexgroup" parameter to true when
attaching the object store. Mixing FabricPool and non-FabricPool within a FlexGroup volume is not recommended. All aggregates hosting constituents of a FlexGroup volume should be attached to the object store.

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