Fabric pool disconnected due to invalid DNS configuration
Applies to
- Fabricpool
- The object-store is in unavailable state.
Cluster::*> object-store show
(storage aggregate object-store show)
Aggregate Object Store Name Availability Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- ------------- -----------
aggr1_fabricpool fabric-pool unavailable primary
aggr2_fabricpool fabric-pool unavailable primary
- From the event logs:-
Cluster::*> event log show -event *SG-fabric-pool-dr*
Time Node Severity Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
6/13/2024 15:56:45 Node04 EMERGENCY object.store.unavailable: Unable to connect to the object store "fabric-pool" from node 71b1612d-8292-11ed-b2bb-d039eaa29402. Reason: Operation Timedout.
- Unable to ping to Object-store DNS “XXXX.dhc.local” form InterCluster LIFs.
- Able to ping DNS IP "10.199.217.XX" from InterCluster LIFs.
- Ran the “object-store profiler test” from Node-01, it failed with the error “wrong port or server not reachable”.