Does ONTAP apply efficiencies to blocks that are tiered-out to Fabricpool?
Applies to
- Fabricpool
- Efficiency
- Deduplication
- Compression
- Compaction
- Logical Replication Engine (LRE)
No, if a block gets tiered out before efficiency was applied in active file system (AFS), the block will remain in capacity-tier without efficiency applied.
Additional Information
- File or Block was written to a RW volume
- Inline efficiency was NOT applied
- FAS with no inline efficiency supported
- AFF under high write workload causing inline miss or inline efficiency disabled
- DP volume updated from Snapmirror using classic Logical Replication Engine (LRE) without storage efficiencies over the wire
- Block is tracked in volume efficiency change-log to be picked up by next efficiency background job to scan/apply efficiency to it
- Background efficiency schedule did NOT yet trigger
- Configured tiering-minimum-cooling-days has passed and volume tiering scanner runs
- File or Block written in 1 is tiered out to capacity/cloud tier
- Background efficiency schedule triggers
- File or Block written in 1 remains in capacity without efficiencies applied