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NetApp Knowledge Base

Are encrypted blocks that are cold also encrypted when tiered?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Encryption
  • FabricPool


FabricPool maintains AES-256-GCM encryption on the local tier, on the cloud tier, and over the wire when moving data between the tiers.

Local tier

  • FabricPool supports NetApp Storage Encryption (NSE), NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE), and NetApp Aggregate Encryption (NAE).
  • Neither NSE, NVE, nor NAE are required to use FabricPool.

Over the wire

  • Objects moving between local and cloud tiers are encrypted by using TLS 1.2 using AES-256-GCM.
  • Other encryption modes, such as CCM, are not supported. To some extent, encryption affects connectivity (latency) because object stores must use CPU cycles to decrypt the data.
  • Communicating with object stores without TLS encryption is supported but is not recommended.

Cloud tier

  • All objects encrypted by NVE/NAE remain encrypted when moved to the cloud tier.
  • Client-side encryption keys are owned by ONTAP.

Additional Information

Refer to FabricPool Best Practices

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