Unable to SSH/Telnet to a Brocade switch
Applies to
- Brocade Switches
- Unable to SSH or Telnet to a Brocade Switch.
- ipfilter --show output confirms TCP Port 22 (SSH) and TCP Port 23 (Telnet) traffic are allowed.
ipfilter --show :
Name: default_ipv4, Type: ipv4, State: active
Rule Source IP Protocol Dest Port Action
1 any tcp 22 permit
2 any tcp 23 permit
3 any tcp 80 permit
4 any tcp 443 permit
5 any udp 161 permit
6 any udp 123 permit
7 any tcp 600 - 1023 permit
8 any udp 600 - 1023 permit
Name: default_ipv6, Type: ipv6, State: active
Rule Source IP Protocol Dest Port Action
1 any tcp 22 permit
2 any tcp 23 permit
3 any tcp 80 permit
4 any tcp 443 permit
5 any udp 161 permit
6 any udp 123 permit
7 any tcp 600 - 1023 permit
8 any udp 600 - 1023 permit
- errdump reports following error:
2020/10/18-13:54:23, [SEC-1329], 67993, FID 128, ERROR, switch1, IPFilter enforcement:Failed to enforce ipfilter policy of IPV4 type because of -24.
2020/10/18-13:54:23, [SEC-1329], 67994, FID 128, ERROR, switch1, IPFilter enforcement:Failed to enforce ipfilter policy of IPV6 type because of -24.