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Chassis Warning C4-1006 and Critical C4-1010 Message reported on Brocade switch

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Brocade DCX 
  • X6 directors


  • One of the port blade on the switch went to disabled state with below errors reported under errdump :

2020/01/22-19:07:06, [C4-1010], 433, SLOT 2 | CHASSIS, CRITICAL, DCX, S12,C0: Above normal hardware errors were observed: fault1:0x1, fault2:0x64 thresh2:0xb000xxx.
2020/01/22-19:20:41, [C4-1006], 434, SLOT 2 | CHASSIS, WARNING, DCX, S12,C0: Various non-critical hardware errors were observed: fault1:0xa, fault2:0x64 thresh1:0xa0000xxx.
2024/04/10-23:18:47:025732 (IST), [C4-1045], 2241569/1871933, SLOT 1 | CHASSIS, INFO, DCX, Single parity error detected in ftb statistics memory, slot 4 index 0, OID:0x43xxx, SPOID:0x43xxx, c4_ftb.c, line: 591, comp:insmod, ltime:2024/04/10-23:18:47:0254xx

  • In the example above, the error is being reported by slot 2 CP which is monitoring the switch but it is reporting an issue on blade on slot 12(S12) chip 0.
  • HAshow reports current active CP as slot 2:

Local CP (Slot 2, CP1): Active, Warm Recovered
Remote CP (Slot 1, CP0): Standby, Healthy
HA enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State synchronized

  • slotshow -m shows he blade on affected slot ( here slot 12 as per the above log snippet) as healthy.

slotshow -m:
Slot   Blade Type     ID    Model Name     Status 
  1     CP BLADE    175     CPX6           ENABLED
  2     CP BLADE    175     CPX6           ENABLED
  3     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
  4     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
  5     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
  6     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
  7     CORE BLADE  177     CR32-8         ENABLED
  8     CORE BLADE  177     CR32-8         ENABLED
  9     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
 10     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
 11     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED
 12     SW BLADE    178     FC32-48        ENABLED

  • Before proceeding with solution initially check if the error messages are still being generated or not.
  • If error messages are stopped then they can be ignored, C4-1045 is an informational type message ( Severity - INFO) that can be incorrectly shown by Flow Monitor and it is normally transient, it can be ignored if messages do not reoccur.


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