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NetApp Knowledge Base

"Invalid session id received"error message while running API call

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Brocade 
  • SANnav


  • Post generating the session ID using the login API call, the generated session ID is being used to run the follow up API calls, however an Invalid session id received error message is thrown. 

[root@xxxxxxxx ~]# curl -k -H 'username: ' -H 'password: ' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/login/
{"sessionId":"4a84bce3-b086-4df6-b209-fbff6a54bb55"}[root@xxxxxxxx ~]#
[root@xxxxxxxx ~]#
[root@xxxxxxxx ~]# curl -vv -k -H 'Authorization: 4a84bce3-b086-4df6-b209-fbff6a54bb55' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred.
*   Trying 10.225.xx.xx...
* Connected to 10.225.xx.xx (10.225.xx.xx) port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2



* Connection #0 to host 10.225.xx.xx left intact
{"code":401,"errorMessage":"UnAuthorizedException","detailedErrorMessage":"Invalid authorization token in the request: {\"ResponseCode\":\"AUTHENTICATION_2017\",\"ResponseId\":\"authentication.sessionvalidation.invalidsessionid\",\"ResponseMessage\":\"Invalid session id received\"}"}

  • The session ID is associated with the host IP address that performed the initial login.If there is an HTTPS proxy in use, the IP address could change, and the session ID would appear invalid.However, the host is not using a proxy for HTTPS.
  • SANnav logs only has one reference to the IP address:
    authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-01 16:45:07.665 [http-nio-12009-exec-3] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login Request from client : 10.1.xx.xx with isGlobal flag: [null]
    authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-01 16:45:07.727 [http-nio-12009-exec-3] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Authentication successful and sessionId is e947f2c3-d66e-4c01-8655-cd05f129d9e0 for user ROuser, client 10.1.xx.xx - - [01/Apr/2024:16:45:07 +0530] "POST /external-api/v1/login/ HTTP/2.0" 200 52 "-" "curl/7.61.1"


  • If the session ID from this date is known, it should still be usable for subsequent REST commands, or it can be logged out.
  • REST can also be used in session-less mode, which does not use session IDs.
  • Tried session less authentication as well, but  authentication fails with invalid username and password error However, same credentials are working fine through GUI console.


All the test logins fail in the same way:

2024-04-23 16:29:51 curl -k -H 'Authorization: Basic ' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://10.225.xx.xx/external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics

SANnav access log:

10.1.xx.xx - ROuser [23/Apr/2024:16:29:51 +0530] "GET /external-api/v1/discovery/fabrics HTTP/2.0" 401 148 "-" "curl/7.61.1"

SANnav authentication log:

authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.550 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login Request from client : 10.1.xx.xx with isGlobal flag: [null]
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.558 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController -  Maximum session limit: 25, current session count: 8, current sessionLess count: 0 and  totalSessionCount: 8
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.558 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Primary authentication setting is Local Database and secondary authentication setting is None
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.565 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.LocalDbRealm - Authentication status after verifying using MD5 encryption false
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Done with primary authentication. Auth status: false, fallback status: 0
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Falling back to local authentication false .....?
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Login status for user ROuser after authentication and user role check: false Is locally Authenticated false
authentication-rbac-mw - [INFO ] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Authentication failed for user ROuser status 0 
authentication-rbac-mw - [ERROR] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.shiro.DCMRealmAuthenticator - Authentication failed for user ROuser authType Local Database
authentication-rbac-mw - [ERROR] 2024-04-23 16:29:51.572 [http-nio-12009-exec-17] com.brocade.dcm.authentication.server.controller.AuthenticationController - Login failed! Authentication exception occured for client 10.1.xx.xx
org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException: Invalid username and password

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