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What is the command syntax for using the dsmUtil command for E-Series?

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Applies to

NetApp E-Series


This information can also be obtained from the 'Failover Drivers Guide' for the appropriate code level at SANtricity Storage Manager

The below syntax is for the host software in the 10.X family.

  • The dsmUtil utility is a command-line driven utility that works only with the Multipath I/O (MPIO) Device Specific Module (DSM) solution. The utility is primarily a way to instruct the DSM driver to perform various maintenance tasks; however, the utility can also serve as a troubleshooting tool when necessary.
  • To use the dsmUtil utility, type the following command and press Enter:

dsmUtil [[-a [target_id]]

[-c array_name | missing]

[-d debug_level] [-e error_level] [-g virtual_target_id]

[-o [[feature_action_name[=value]] | [feature_variable_name=value]][, SaveSettings]] [-M] [-P

[GetMpioParameters | MpioParameter=value | ...]] [-R]


[-s "failback" | "avt" | "busscan" | "forcerebalance"] [-w target_wwn, controller_index

Note: You must enter the quotation marks as shown around parameter names.

Typing dsmUtil without any parameters shows the usage information.


The following table shows the dsmUtil parameters:

  • -a [target_id]

Shows a summary of all storage arrays seen by the DSM. The summary shows the target_id, the storage array WWID, and the storage array name. If target_id is specified, DSM point-in-time state information appears for the storage array. On UNIX operating systems, the virtual HBA specifies unique target IDs for each storage array. The Windows MPIO virtual HBA driver does not use target IDs. The parameter for this option can be viewed as an offset into the DSM information structures, with each offset representing a different storage array.

  • -c array_name |  missing

Clears the WWN file entries. This file is located in the Program Files\DSMDrivers\mppdsm\WWN_FILES directory with the extension .wwn . If the array_name keyword is specified, the WWN file for the specific storage array is deleted. If the missing keyword is used, all WWN files for previously attached storage arrays are deleted. If neither keyword is used, all of the WWN files, for both currently attached and previously attached storage arrays, are deleted.

  • -d debug_level

Sets the current debug reporting level. This option only works if the RDAC driver has been compiled with debugging enabled.

  • -e error_level

Sets the current error reporting level to error_level , which can have one of these values:

  • 0–Showallerrors.
  • 1–Showpathfailover,controllerfailover,retryable,fatal,andrecoverederrors.
  • 2–Showpathfailover,controllerfailover,retryable,andfatalerrors.
  • 3–Showpathfailover,controllerfailover,andfatalerrors.Thisisthedefaultsetting.
  • 4–Showcontrollerfailoverandfatalerrors.
  • 5–Showfatalerrors.
  • -g target_id

Displays detailed information about the state of each controller, path, and LUNs for the specified storage array. You can find the target_id by running the dsmUtil -a command.

  • -M

Shows the MPIO disk-to-drive mappings for the DSM. The output is similar to that found with the SMdevices utility.

  • -o [[feature_action_name[=value]] | [feature_variable_name=value]][, SaveSettings]

Troubleshoots a feature or changes a configuration setting. Without the SaveSettingskeyword, the changes only affect the in-memory state of the variable. The SaveSettingskeyword changes both the in-memory state and the persistent state.


The following are some example commands:

  • dsmUtil-o –Displays all the available feature action names.
  • dsmUtil-oDisableLunRebalance=0x3 –Turns off the DSM-initiated storage array LUN rebalance (affects only the in-memory state).
  • -P [GetMpioParameters | MpioParameter= value | ...] - Displays and sets MPIO parameters.
  • -R - Removes the load-balancing policy settings for inactive devices.
  • -S - Reports the Up state or the Down state of the controllers and paths for each LUN in real time.
  • -s ["failback" |
  • "avt" | "busscan" |
  • "forcerebalance"]

Manually initiates one of the DSM driver’s scan tasks. A 'failback' scan causes the DSM driver to reattempt communications with any failed controllers. An 'avt' scan causes the DSM driver to check whether AVT has been enabled or disabled for an entire storage array. A 'busscan' scan causes the DSM driver to go through its unconfigured devices list to see if any of them have become configured. A 'forcerebalance' scan causes the DSM driver to move storage array volumes to their preferred controller and ignores the value of the DisableLunRebalance configuration parameter of the DSM driver.

Additional Information



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