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NetApp Knowledge Base

E-Series Potential loss of SCSI persistent reservation

not set
Last Updated:

Applies to

  • E-Series
  • SANtricity OS Controller Software
  • Host clustering solution using SCSI Persistent Reservations


A core dump is captured due to a controller panic with the following exception:

---- Log Entry #3 (Core 0) MAR-08-2018 10:14:50 AM ---- 03/08/18-10:14:50 (raidSched1): PANIC: PRES: peering discrepency SSID: 0x3 IpID:0xe TpID: 0xa  

During the time of the first panic, the alternate controller panicked as well due to an ancient IO detected without generating a core dump:

---- Log Entry #3 (Core 2) MAR-08-2018 10:19:50 AM ---- Reboot due to ancient IO, scsiOp=0xffff800004d392e0 poolId=0 opCode=5f age=300023ms



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