Controller reboot after vdmRecoverAllRAIDVols
- Views:
- 446
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- Public
- Votes:
- 2
- Category:
- e-series-systems
- Specialty:
- esg
- Last Updated:
- 12/28/2022, 12:54:46 AM
Applies to
- NetApp E-Series
- SANtricity OS 11.60
- One or more volume failure due to power loss
- One or both controllers reboot after running
-> vdmRecoverAllRAIDVols 1,1
* In order to properly recover cache for the failed volumes, it is *
* necessary to reboot both controllers simultaneously before running *
* vdmRecoverAllRAIDVols. If alt controller is already held in reset, *
* just reboot this controller. *
* NOTE: Depending on the failure condition, vdmRecoverAllRAIDVols *
* may need to be executed multiple times in order to recover all*
* failed volumes. *
Have controllers been rebooted since volumes failed? (Y/N): y
vdmRecoverAllRAIDVols started in a background task. Please wait...
*************************** PieceManager OOS Pieces **********************
value = 0 = 0x0
MM/DD/YY-hh:mm:ss (raidSched1): WARN: taskMgmtReqrcvd(Abort Task Set (0x2)): channel:6 from host: HOST1P0 tditn: 3 lun: x04 AbortTag: x177b ManagedTag: x0000
MM/DD/YY-hh:mm:ss (vdmRecov): NOTE: moveFailedPiecesToPlaceHolder: moved 33641 CPieces for ssid 0x7 (ok) totalCStripes=51200 Degraded 6827 Critical 13407
Reboot due to ancient IO, scsiOp=0x1431d7bc0 poolId=1 opCode=9e