E-Series Microsoft Hyper-V cluster shared volume disconnect
Applies to
- NetApp SANtricity Storage Manager
- NetApp E-Series
- Microsoft Windows Hyper-V
- HPE DL380 G7
- Brocade 300
- E-Series with Hyper-V cluster shared volumes (CSV) periodically disconnected with no alert on the E-Series
- No new path error increase detected from storage target ports
- SCSI reservation conflicts detected
- Configuration verified "E-Series SAN Host" in Interoperability Matrix Tool IMT
State-Capture-data - FCDump
Link :ITN :..........IOs..........:ITN :............IOs...........:.........Busy.........Idle.
Ch H/D STP Down :cnt : Open Completed Errs :cnt : Qd Open Completed Errs: Ms Ms
---- --- --- ---- :--- :----- ---------- ----- :--- :--- ----- ---------- -----: ------------ -------------
4 Hst FCP 0 : 9 : 27 1247719 31961 : 0 : 0 0 0 0: 2919345 0
7 Hst FCP 0 : 9 : 24 3936859 31959 : 0 : 0 0 0 0: 2310801 608544