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NetApp Knowledge Base

Storage nodes in unknown state with unresponsive LDR service after upgrading to 11.5

Last Updated:

Applies to

StorageGRID 11.5, 11.6, 11.7


  • All StorageGRID storage nodes are in unknown state after upgrading to 11.5 due to unresponsive LDR service
  • Below error trace observed in bycast.log:
CRITICAL 0138 SCAN: Assertion Failed#012[/build/src/modules/SignalHandler_Module/ void Signal_FatalHandler(int32_t)] ASSERT FAILED ("segmentation fault" == nullptr) is false. []
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  0# sgutil::stacktrace::current[abi:cxx11]() in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  1# CXD_Debug_PrintStackCrawl() in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  2# Signal_FatalHandler(int) in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  3# 0x00007FCB90314730 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  4# cassandra::ProductionObjectEventReader::event(cassandra::Event const&) in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  5# cassandra::ProductionObjectFactory::objectFromEvents(cassandra::lookup::Type const&, byc::ObjectKey, cassandra::EventStream&, cassandra::Object&) in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  6# 0x00000000015D24F3 in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  7# cassandra::ProductionObjectRepository::lookupObjectByUUID(CXD_UUID const&, cassandra::lookup::Type const&, cassandra::Object&, CassConsistency_) const in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  8# ILMScanner::leakedUUIDCleanup(cassandra::Cluster const&, cassandra::ObjectRepository&, cassandra::Object const&) in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN:  9# 0x00000000010EAFBB in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN: 10# ade::detail::asyncHelper<void>::operator()(std::function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}::operator()() in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN: 11# ade_details::SpawnContext::processEntry() in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN: 12# void boost::context::detail::ecv2_context_etry<boost::context::detail::ecv2_record_void<boost::context::v2::execution_context<void>, ade_details::SpawnContext::CachingStackAllocator<boost::context::basic_protected_fixedsize_stack<boost::context::stack_traits> >, ade_details::SpawnContext::CachingStackAllocator(unsigned int, std::function<void ()>, unsigned int, bool)::{lambda(boost::context::v2::execution_context<void>)#1}> >(boost::context::detail::transfer_t) in /usr/local/ldr/ldr
ERROR    0382 SCAN: 13# make_fcontext in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

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