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NetApp Knowledge Base

Thanos can not connect the StorageGRID S3 bucket

not set
not set
Last Updated:

Applies to

 StorageGRID 11.x


  • Rancher/Thanos can not connect the StorageGRID bucket.

level=info ts=2021-05-10T06:06:18.928216597Z caller=options.go:23 protocol=gRPC msg="disabled TLS, key and cert must be set to enable"level=warn ts=2021-05-10T06:06:18.938443767Z caller=intrumentation.go:54 msg="changing probe status" status=not-ready reason="bucket store initial sync: sync block: BaseFetcher: iter bucket: 400 Bad Request"

  • StorageGRID's bycast-error logs show below.

May 10 11:18:40 hkgsgnc0925 NMS: |2021-05-10T11:18:40.156| ERROR Server Error: #<Net::HTTP::Get GET> #<Net::HTTPBadGateway 502 Bad Gateway readbody=true>
May 10 11:18:40 hkgsgnc0925 NMS: |2021-05-10T11:18:40.156| ERROR "<html>\r\n<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"

  • The StorageGRID uses the HTTPS protocol.


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