How to troubleshoot StorageGRID NAS Bridge related issues
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- Category:
- storagegrid-webscale
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- sgrid
- Last Updated:
- 8/9/2023, 11:49:24 AM
Applies to
- StorageGRID Webscale
- NAS Bridge
The purpose of this article is to provide the basic steps required to troubleshoot StorageGRID NAS Bridge issues and setup problems.
Note: StorageGRID NAS Bridge is available by FPVR only for releases prior to versions 11.2 and later. Consult with your account team, if you require the feature in your environment.
Definition: StorageGRID NAS Bridge is a virtual appliance that allows file-based workloads to run on StorageGRID.
NAS Bridge storage environment: There are many unique components that comprise a StorageGRID NAS Bridge environment; including the NFS and SMB clients, NAS Bridge node (NAS Bridge virtual appliance), StorageGRID object storage system, the DNS and NTP servers, and external active directory or identity federation. Each of these play a role in the environment, but are not all supported by NetApp.