How to configure IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) with NetApp StorageGRID
Applies to
- IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.4 (May apply to other versions)
- StorageGRID 11.x
- IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.4 can be configured to connect to StorageGRID as a cloud destination using Swift3.
- Swift3 is an emulated version of S3, and can be used in IBM Spectrum Scale to connect to object stores like StorageGRID.
- Traditional S3 can only be used on IBM Specture Scale with Amazon cloud, and cannot be configured with any cloud destination like StorageGRID.
- For more information on how to configure IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.4 using Swift3, visit the IBM Knowledge Center.
- NOTE: Swift3 uses an emulated version of S3 API, and does not use the Swift API as the name would suggest
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