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S3/Swift requests return ServiceUnavailable failure along with node decommissioning

Last Updated:

Applies to

StorageGRID OS 11.6


  • S3/Swift requests return ServiceUnavailable failure along with node decommissioning.
  • Alarms below also occur in the meantime:
    • SLSA    (CPU Load Average)
    • RORQ (Outbound Replications - Queued)
    • RIRQ    (Inbound Replications - Queued)
  • Bycast log indicates that the requests fail due to Cassandra TimeoutException :
    • HTTP Status Code=503, ErrorMsg=ServiceUnavailable, ErrorType=Client, CustomErrorMessage={<none>}, Details={<none>}
    • OBDI: checkForPreExistingObject Cassandra TimeoutException (Failed to execute cql at consistency TWO: SELECT event_time, event, last_access_time, object_lock_mode, object_lock_retain_until_time, object_lock_legal_hold, user_metadata, writetime(user_metadata), content_type, writetime(content_type), restore_start_time, restore_expiry_time, retier_time, object_partially_tiered FROM storagegrid.object_by_uuid WHERE uuid = 5595C096-928D-4CAF-B8D8-E03A4865304F - Cassandra Driver Error(Read timeout):'Operation timed out - received only 14 responses.' Detailed Info:[consistency: ALL, responses_received: 14, responses_required: 15, data_present: 1])
  • Prometheus data indicates
  1. CPU usage of a specific node that is under decommissioning is outstanding.
    sum by (instance) (sum by (instance, mode) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=~"st.*",mode!="idle"}[5m])) / count by (instance, mode)(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance=~"st.*",mode!="idle"}))
    NOTEst is the common initial letter of all the storage nodes.
    S3/Swift requests return ServiceUnavailable failure
  2. iowait of this specific node gets increased 5 times (10% to 50%) along with decommissioning, which means the disk system is the bottleneck.
    sum by (mode)(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="issued storage node name",mode!~'idle|guest|nice'}[5m])) * 100 / count by (mode)(node_cpu_seconds_total{instance="issued storage node name",mode!~'idle|guest|nice'})
    ServiceUnavailable failure
  3. The usage of all disks of this specific node is almost 100%. 
    irate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total{instance="issued storage node name",device=~'^sd.*'}[5m])*100
    S3/Swift requests return ServiceUnavailable failure along with node decommissioning
  • Comparing two decommissioned nodes on how the filesystem free bytes increased post-decommissioning, the steepness occurred on the bad node during the initial stage, which proves that the issued node has more read and truncate activity, during the initial stage of decommissioning. 
    • sum(node_filesystem_free_bytes{instance="node name",mountpoint=~"/var/local/rangedb/.*"})
      • 2023/7/5/13:16 GMT ~ 2023/7/5/14:36 GMT
        • Bad node:    724.45TB - 724.18TB = 0.27TB = 270GB
        • Good node: 528.47TB - 528.45TB = 0.02TB = 20GB
      • 2023/7/5/13:16 GMT ~ 2023/7/6/02:04 GMT
        • Bad node:    725.00TB - 724.18TB = 0.82TB = 820GB
        • Good node: 528.57TB - 528.45TB = 0.12TB = 120GB
          • node_filesystem_free_bytes.png
  • Comparing performance data between the issued node and another node in their daily ASUP, the bad node had higher read / write latency due to higher IOPS and throughput:
Executing ionShow(99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) on controller A:

Bad node:

-> chall 3
Target Read/Write Completions
.Channel :.................R E A D S................:...............W R I T E S................:
  Ch H/D :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :#Errs
---- --- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :-----
   2 Hst :  51070465 3050503068160     23246   1869666 :  24067972 379745803264     45470  13645260 :    0
   3 Hst :  50889777 3049366095360     23310   1760814 :  24248943 380225977344     45183  13645220 :    0
Initiator Read/Write Completions
.Channel :.................R E A D S................:...............W R I T E S................:
  Ch H/D :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :#Errs
---- --- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :-----
   0 Drv : 256171408 35181547092992     17239    852896 :  82234342 1336298067456      2512    286906 :    0
   4 Drv :       288     294912      4258      4241 :         0          0         0         0 :    0
Seconds since statistics cleared: 86411

Good node:

-> chall 3
Target Read/Write Completions
.Channel :.................R E A D S................:...............W R I T E S................:
  Ch H/D :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :#Errs
---- --- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :-----
   2 Hst :  27647780 2876604737536      5274    829929 :  11826653 237424963584       131    511517 :    0
   3 Hst :  27509975 2877446842368      5303    826519 :  12073420 238340426240       131    620620 :    0
Initiator Read/Write Completions
.Channel :.................R E A D S................:...............W R I T E S................:
  Ch H/D :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :  #Success ByteXfered ART(uSec) MRT(uSec) :#Errs
---- --- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :---------- ---------- --------- --------- :-----
   0 Drv : 136207478 28042508481024      3965    325577 :   7641267 528941565952      4254     45393 :    0
   4 Drv :       288     294912      4301      4219 :         0          0         0         0 :    0
Seconds since statistics cleared: 86411


  • R E A D S = S3/Swift's GET request
  • W R I T E S =  S3/Swift's PUT request
  • ByteXfered = throughput
  • Success  = IOPS 

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