Client getting 503 AWSError 'ServiceUnavailable' during migration
Applies to
- Client receiving HTTP response code: 503 during migration to a single bucket.
2024-06-18 08:34:27.731 [3485-7fe5aa300700] LOG CLOUD AWS-SDK [WARN] 2024-06-18 08:34:27.731 AWSErrorMarshaller [140624379512576] Encountered AWSError 'ServiceUnavailable': Please reduce your request rate.
2024-06-18 08:34:27.731 [3485-7fe5aa300700] LOG CLOUD AWS-SDK [ERROR] 2024-06-18 08:34:27.731 AWSClient [140624379512576] HTTP response code: 503
- Issue is only observed when increasing the threads above 12.
- StorageGRID reports high CPU on some nodes.
- StorageGRID experiences Cassandra high latency and timeouts.