StorageGRID Appliance in unknown state due to FC errors
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID Appliances
- StorageGRID Appliance is stuck in maintenance mode / Pre-Grid Environment (PGE), does not boot and is no longer part of StorageGRID.
- E-Series
Major Event Log
shows paths going up/down frequently - E-Series
output shows errors on link
B:10/21/20, 8:13:24 PM Fibre channel link up - Host-side: controller in bay B, port 1
B:10/21/20, 8:13:07 PM Fibre channel link up - Host-side: controller in bay B, port 2
B:10/21/20, 8:09:49 PM Fibre channel link down - Host-side: controller in bay B, port 1
B:10/21/20, 8:09:49 PM Fibre channel link down - Host-side: controller in bay B, port 2
2800-A Our Num ::...Exchange Counts...:: Num ..Link Up.. Chip LinkStat Port Port :: :: Link Bad Bad ID Logi ::Open Total Errors:: Down Char Frame 2-Src Up-Unk ffffff 0 :: 0 0 0:: 0 0 0 3-Src Up-Unk ffffff 0 :: 0 0 0:: 0 0 0 4-Src Up-Ptp 2 2 :: 0 38150 0:: 0 0 0 5-Src Up-Ptp 2 2 :: 4 41757 920:: 0 -509716340 1323