S3 GET/JEAD object response changes ContentDisposition value to lowercase
Applies to
StorageGrid 11.4
S3 GET/HEAD object response changes ContentDisposition value to lower-case, unlike AWS.
- For uploading an object, create the filename key value of the Content-Disposition head and ingest it. The file name is capital letters.
Object Upload: # aws s3 cp ABC.txt s3://demo/ --content-type "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM" --content-disposition "Attachment; filename=AAA.txt" --endpoint https://dc1-g1.demo.netapp.com:10443
- Then, create the pre-signed URL of the object and try to download the object from the client with the file name entered in the filename key. The problem here is that the file is downloaded as a lowercase file.
# aws s3 presign s3://demo/ABC.txt --expires-in 3000 --endpoint https://dc1-g1.demo.netapp.com:10443