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NetApp Knowledge Base

Intermittent Error 504 Gateway Time-out during ingest/ retrieve on storageGRID bucket

Last Updated:

Applies to

StorageGRID OS 11.7.0


  • Intermittent error observed with ingest/ retrieve of objects from storageGRID bucket:
Error: reading blob <>: fetching blob: received unexpected HTTP status: 504 Gateway Time-out
  • From storageGRID Graphana, we observed 504 errors coinciding with 499 errors on the gateway node which matches with the issue observed from application side:
Failed to pull docker image from bucket: Error timed out
  • Enabled debug level logging
  • From storageGRID logs, we identified the issue with SSL handshake timeout during upstream of request from the Client to Storage Node via Gateway node:

Gateway node - /var/local/log/nginx-gw/access.log

2024/04/15 06:40:08 [warn] 1327055#1327055: *580890363 [lua] sgbalancer.lua:564: on_balance_phase(): Connection to 47f9ba08-bc36-4be5-bfe3-cde14b40f83f failed with code 504 in worker 23 while connecting to upstream, client: <Client IP>, server: _, request: "GET /**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix= HTTP/1.1", upstream: https://<StorageGRID node>:18082/**-**-01-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix=, host: "<Gateway node>:10443"

2024/04/15 06:40:13 [warn] 1327099#1327099: *580934305 [lua] sgbalancer.lua:564: on_balance_phase(): Connection to 47f9ba08-bc36-4be5-bfe3-cde14b40f83f failed with code 504 in worker 31 while connecting to upstream, client: <Client IP>, server: _, request: "GET /**-**-registry?max-keys=1&prefix= HTTP/1.1", upstream: https://<StorageGRID node>:18082/**-**-registry?max-keys=1&prefix=, host: "<Gateway node>:10443"

2024/04/15 08:19:56 [warn] 1327060#1327060: *581032520 [lua] sgbalancer.lua:564: on_balance_phase(): Connection to 47f9ba08-bc36-4be5-bfe3-cde14b40f83f failed with code 504 in worker 24 while connecting to upstream, client: <Client IP>, server: _, request: "GET /**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix=docker%2Fregistry%2Fv2%2Fblobs%2Fsha256%2F38%2F38c364755503d3fa4adc039af63e5108189b759cf6ad9d26f7219072c427db83%2Fdata HTTP/1.1", upstream: https://<StorageGRID node>:18082/**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix=docker%2Fregistry%2Fv2%2Fblobs%2Fsha256%2F38%2F38c364755503d3fa4adc039af63e5108189b759cf6ad9d26f7219072c427db83%2Fdata, host: "<Gateway node>:10443"

2024/04/15 06:40:08 [error] 1327055#1327055: *580890363 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while SSL handshaking to upstream, client: <Client IP>, server: _, request: "GET /**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix= HTTP/1.1", upstream: https://<StorageGRID node>:18082/**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix=, host: "<Gateway node>:10443"

2024/04/15 08:34:50 [error] 1327060#1327060: *581032520 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while SSL handshaking to upstream, client: <Client IP>, server: _, request: "GET /**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix= HTTP/1.1", upstream: https://<StorageGRID node>:18082/**-**-registry?list-type=2&max-keys=1&prefix=, host: "<Gateway node>:10443"

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