Fail to download object with 404 error
Applies to
- Failed to download object with 404 error.
report the time ofPUT
and the time ofGET
Oct 29 16:22:03 node1 ADE: |12559365 1409141979 S3RQ %CEA 2023-10-29T16:22:03.675651| NOTICE 1099 S3RQ: EVENT_PROCESS_CREATE - connection=1698595912012786 method=PUT namespace=<> path=</> name=</xxxxx/xxxxxx/c3/c39fa283d35b53f3a86255182f518fbba8df5d78> auth=<V2> clientIP=<>
Oct 29 16:21:59 node4 ADE: |12116624 1011858722 S3RQ %CEA 2023-10-29T16:21:59.473762| NOTICE 1099 S3RQ: EVENT_PROCESS_CREATE - connection=1698596250524508 method=GET namespace=<> path=</> name=</xxxxxx/xxxxxx/c3/c39fa283d35b53f3a86255182f518fbba8df5d78> auth=<V2> clientIP=<>
Oct 29 16:21:59 node4 ADE: |12116624 1011858722 S3RQ %DED 2023-10-29T16:21:59.486542| NOTICE 0162 S3RQ: S3 error response: RequestId=1698596250524508, Resource=/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/c3/c39fa283d35b53f3a86255182f518fbba8df5d78, HTTP Status Code=404, ErrorMsg=NoSuchKey, ErrorType=Client, CustomErrorMessage={<none>}, Details={Object to retrieve doesn't exist}