Connection reset error while downloading files greater than 1GB from storageGRID bucket using AWS CLI
Applies to
- StorageGRID 11.6.x
- Connection reset error while downloading files greater than 1GB from storageGRID Bucket using AWS CLI
download failed: s3://<Path> to ./<Path> ("Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')", ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
- In StorageGRID
Apr 8 08:57:39 <GW01> ntpd[14774]: bind(35) AF_INET <IP address>#123 flags 0x19 failed: Cannot assign requested address
Apr 8 08:57:39 <GW01> ntpd[14774]: unable to create socket on eth2.4030 (452919) for <IP address>#123
Apr 8 08:57:39 <GW01> ntpd[14774]: failed to init interface for address <IP address>
Apr 8 08:57:57 <GW01> ADE: |16392565 0445378019 SVCF SVCH 2024-04-08T08:57:57.413275| NOTICE 0585 SVCF: Sending EVENT_SERVICE_UPDATE to PID 445378018, for Service ID NPRP (version 1).
Apr 8 08:58:05 <GW01> ADE: |17519879 1705800259 ATBU SQRT 2024-04-08T08:58:05.481749| NOTICE 0912 ATBU: 3 nodes are offering the 'ATRL' service
Apr 8 08:58:05 <GW01> ADE: |17519879 1705800247 SVCF SVCH 2024-04-08T08:58:05.719698| NOTICE 0585 SVCF: Sending EVENT_SERVICE_UPDATE to PID 1705800246, for Service ID NPRP (version 1).
- Client network VLAN not able to create socket for assigned IP address.
Troubleshooting steps.
- Several solutions need to be considered to resolve this issue:
- Once verified above:
- Restart the gateway node via
- Reapply load balancer endpoints via Configure load balancer endpoints
- Restart the gateway node via