StorageGRID combined upgrade fails with unable to connect to node on port 22
Applies to
NetApp StorageGRID
Combined upgrade fails with error:
Unable to connect to nodename on port 22: the given identity is known, but the private key could not be loaded
root@nodename:~ # stage-upgrade-hotfix
Hotfix version is, upgrade version is 11.6.0
to copy hotfix-install- to all nodes...
SSH keys are not loaded.
Enter provisioning passphrase:
Performing connectivity
All identities removed.
Copying to some nodes failed: ["nodename", "nodename", "nodename", "nodename",
"nodename", "nodename", "nodename", "nodename", "nodename"].
First error: key: "offline_error", options:
{:hostname=>"nodename", :reason=>"Unable to connect to nodename on port 22: the given identity is known, but the private key
could not be loaded: OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError (Could not parse PKey: no start line)"}
See gdu-server.log for more information