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NetApp Knowledge Base

Identity federation synchronization failure observed infrequently on StorageGRID

Last Updated:

Applies to

NetApp StorageGRID 11.4 and above


StorageGRID reports alert Identify federation synchronization failure every few hours.

Primary Admin node logs in /var/local/log/bycast-err.log may report:

ERROR: Failed to connect to LDAP server with error (Unable to connect, verify your hostname, port, and TLS configuration: Failed DNS lookup for IPs of host "server_name")
ERROR   Validation failed. Please check the values you entered for errors. The LDAP server could not be reached. Review your configuration for errors. Unable to begin TLS, verify your certificate and TLS configuration: Failed to parse certificate for server authentication (MgmtApi::LocalizedValidationError)

Storage nodes that host the ADC nodes logs in /var/local/log/bycast.log may report :

DATE <ADC NODE NAME> idnt[5710]: [synchronize.go:231:41c14eca3baaf4f9] WARNING: Error while synchronizing account "<TENANT ID>": Unable to connect, verify your hostname, port, and TLS configuration: LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": dial tcp <LDAP IP>:389: i/o timeout

  • LDAP(s) access works in StorageGRID
  • Test connection under Access Control > Identity Federation > LDAP server works

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