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NetApp Knowledge Base

What logs are required for SnapCenter retention issues

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server (SC) all versions
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server (SCSQL) all versions
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange Server (SCE) all versions
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Server (SCW) all versions
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) all versions


Please collect the following:

  • What backup component is not deleted? Snapshot of volume hosting Database file, Log files, Host Log Directory (HLD) or the copy of the files inside the HLD etc...
  • At least 1 Snapshot name which should have been deleted
  • Snap list showing the extra snapshot(s)
  • Full snapgathers from the SC server and all the plugins
  • Job logs and Job ID which should have deleted the snapshot; to pin point it, also provide the job IDs of the jobs before and after for the same schedule type
  • Job logs and Job ID of the original backup job which created the snapshot which has not been deleted. This way we can check if the old backup was successfully registered.
  • The relevant Resource Group name
  • The Policy names associated with the Resource Group. Make a note of the retention settings for DB and Up to The Minute (UTM).
  • SnapDriveSalDebug.log from the SC server, located here - C:\Program Files\NetApp\SMCore\SnapDriveSALDebug.log
  • An NSM dump to show if the backup is registered
  • Ensure that an Autosupport is generated for any node hosting the volumes in question. If not, upload mgwd logs and Auditlog files with the ZAPI calls to SVM's to delete the snapshots.

Note: If the snapmanagerweb_<id>.log. is missing from the downloaded job logs, it can be found on the SC Server on: <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\App_Data\log\SnapManagerWeb_<id>.log

SCV only:

  • At least 1 Snapshot name which should have been deleted
  • Snap list showing the extra snapshot(s)
  • Job logs and Job ID of the job which should have deleted it, to pin point it, can also provide the job IDs of the jobs before and after for the same schedule type
  • Job logs and Job ID of the original backup job which created the snapshot which has not been deleted
  • The relevant Resource Group name
  • The Policy names associated with the Resource Group.
  • Support bundle

Additional Information


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