What is the SnapCenter Remove Secondary Backup job
Applies to
SnapCenter Server (SC)
- The SnapCenter Remove Secondary Backup job is run weekly and deletes secondary (SnapMirror/SnapVault) backup metadata.
- It is created when SC is installed and is scheduled to run at 03:59 on Sunday morning
- The job compares the list of backups that are stored in its MySQL repository (NSM) against the snapshots that exist on the storage system. If there are any orphaned MySQL records (snapshots no longer exist in Data ONTAP) then they will be removed.
Additional Information
To change the default schedule, see:
How to re-schedule the SnapCenter Remove Secondary Backup job
For more information on the PowerShell commands, see the link 'Cmdlet Reference Guide' in the 'More resources' section of the SnapCenter documentation