SnapCenter repository HA reports unhealthy replication status
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter High Availability (HA)
- SnapCenter
reports an unhealthy replication status with error-
Replication status: UnHealthy
Replication issues: Replication of the repository failed with error: Replication of the repository failed with error: Worker 1 failed executing transaction 'ANONYMOUS' at source log mysql-bin, end_log_pos; Could not execute Update_rows event on table nsm.nsm_job_message; Can't find record in 'nsm_job_message', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's source log mysql-bin.000011, end_log_pos. You can manually correct the error or rebuild the repository on by running the'Set-SmRepositoryConfig' cmdlet with the '-ServerToRebuild' option.. You can manually correct the error or rebuild the repository on by running the'Set-SmRepositoryConfig' cmdlet with the '-ServerToRebuild' option.
- An attempt to rebuild the replication using
fails with the same error.