SnapCenter jobs fail to update with EMS/AutoSupport
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Windows
At the end of a job, the EMS Event/Autosupport feature throws the following errors in the job's SnapmanagerWeb_<JOB>.log file. For example, a cloning job:
INFO SnapManagerWeb_<JOBID> PID=[3044] TID=[24] Email subject for job [<JOBID>]: SnapCenter - Clone Lifecycle all notifications - Clone [Warning] for Resource Group [<RESOURCE_GROUP>]
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<JOBID> PID=[3044] TID=[24] EmailFrom: <snapcenter@domaincom> EmailTo: <>
ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<JOBID> PID=[3044] TID=[24] ErrorCode (134), ErrorMessage (The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.)