SnapCenter failed to backup VM with unquiesce error
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware
When the vCenter is on the same datastore or same backup set the vCenter hosts is freezing and is failing to UNQUIESCE the VM's and for this the backup job can fail or leave undeleted VMware snapshot.
SnapCenter failed to backup VM with unquiesce error:
app.log.err: : SnapCenter Software (1002) Error: Job [7836] Activity [Unquiescing Applications] failed with error: Exception when unquiescing virtual machines: VM1, VM2, VM3, VM4, VM5, VM6, vCenter_appliance, vCenter_appliance_witness, Please check 'Remove all snapshots' task on vSphere Web Client or SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere logs for detailed error message.