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NetApp Knowledge Base

SnapCenter backup job fails after SnapCenter SMCore Service starts on the target host

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server 4.3 or earlier
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows (SCW) 4.3 or earlier
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) 4.3 or earlier


  • SnapCenter backup job fails after SnapCenter SMCore Service starts on the target host due to the following error.
    • Activity 'Discovering Resources' failed with error: Unable to get storage details for datastore <VOLUME> with managed object reference <DATASTORE>. 
      Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.

    • Activity 'Discovering File-System' failed with error: Failed to enumerate the disks.



  • All of the following conditions are met.
    • The target host was added by a user who does not have access permission for storage connection
    • The resource group was created by the user who added the target host
    • A backup job was scheduled by another user

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