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SnapCenter Server refuses access from Plug-in due to a permission error

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV)


SnapCenter server refuses access from SnapCenter Plug-in due to a permission error even though there is no mis-configuration.
This problem causes the following issues.

  • Issue 1:  SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) doesn't show any information in Dashboard, Storage Systems, Resource Groups, Policies, Guest File Restore pages. Authentication errors like the following examples can be seen in aegis.log.

    ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.client.SnapManagerPolicyServiceRestImpl Unable to get policies from SnapCenter Server : The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
    ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.manager.PolicyManager Unable to get policies from SnapCenter Server : The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.

  • Issue 2:  Scheduled SnapCenter job doesn't run. The following error message can be seen in a response from SnapCenter server in SMCoreService.log.

    <_message>The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.<_errorCode>-1

  • Issue 3:  SCV backup job fails due to the following error.

Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.

Also, aegis.log shows the following messages. 

ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.client.SnapManagerStorageServiceImpl The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.model.DatastoreStorageDetailsCache The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.
DEBUG VSC com.netapp.aegis.model.DatastoreStorageDetailsCache Storage footprint not found
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.discovery.VsphereDiscoveryManager Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.
ERROR VSC com.netapp.aegis.sms.provider.DiscoverResourcesManager [JobId:<Job_ID>] com.netapp.nvpf.api.model.ApiException: Unable to get storage details for datastore <datastore_name> with managed object reference <datastore_id>. Storage system(s) may need to be added, also ensure that the associated host is in a connected state.


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