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NetApp Knowledge Base

SnapCenter Plug-in installation fails with: The network path was not found

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp SnapCenter 4.x
  • NetApp SnapCenter Plug-In for Microsoft SQL Server 4.x


  • Hosts cannot be added to install the SnapCenter Plug-in Package for Windows:


  • The Microsoft .Net Framework v4.5.2 or later and Windows PowerShell v4.0 or later are installed.
  • As the SnapCenter Plug-ins are pushed to the host, it fails with the following error message:

2021-06-22T22:47:53.5269175+08:00 ERROR SnapManagerWeb_71 PID=[6048] TID=[97] Unable to get the .NET Framework Information from registry. Error : The network path was not found.
Source: mscorlib
Stack Trace:  As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32ErrorStatic(Int32 errorCode, String str)
   As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey, String machineName, RegistryView view)
   As SnapManager.SMSCore.Host.Validations.DotNetVersionValidationActivity.IsValidDotNetVersionInstalled(SmHost windowsHost)
2021-06-22T22:47:53.6051049+08:00 ERROR SnapManagerWeb_71 PID=[6048] TID=[39] The network path was not found.
2021-06-22T22:47:53.6051049+08:00 ERROR SnapManagerWeb_71 PID=[6048] TID=[39] Failed to retrieve information about the installed package from the registry.
One of the reason for this failure could be:
The Run As Account does not have the access to the registry.

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