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SC NSM Backup fails using SCW

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server 5.0 (SC)
  • SnapCenter Plug-In for Windows 5.0 (SCW)
  • SnapCenter Plug-In for WMWare 5.0 (SCV)


The creation of the Protection of the NSM MySQL database hosted on the VMDK disk of the SC host partially fails.

The SnapCenter Backup of NSM using SCW then fails.

The following errors show in the CreateProtection job log :
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. --->
Devart.Data.MySql.MySqlException: Duplicate entry 'SC_Respository_User' for key 'nsm_runas.RunAsName'An error occurred while updating the entries.
See the inner exception for details.InnerException Duplicate entry 'SC_Respository_User' for key 'nsm_runas.RunAsName'ErrorCode (134),
ErrorMessage (The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.)

The  nsm backup job log reports the following errors in SCW_Job_Id.log and SMCore_JobId.log:
Failed to get vmfs datastore name for disk '6000c0001a000d00aa00aa1aa00aaa0'.
Get VMFS Datastore failed for disk '6000c0001a000d00aa00aa1aa00aaa0' - exception. reason = Failed to get vmfs datastore name for disk '6000c0001a000d00aa00aa1aa00aaa0''.

The SmDiscoverResourcesResponse shows:
Could not get storage mapping for virtual disk 6000c0001a000d00aa00aa1aa00aaa0. SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere might not have discovered this disk.
Unable to find storage footprint for virtual disk : 6000c0001a000d00aa00aa1aa00aaa0

Creation of the dmp file of MySQL NSM database works, but the creation of the Snapshot fails with the below error:
ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (Unable to find any healthy resource on NetApp storage.)
Activity - Creating Snapshot copy, Failed with error : Unable to find any healthy resource on NetApp storage.
SmUnQuiesceResponse ErrorMessage (Unquiesce operation failed, see the logs for more information.) Error: Invalid set of resources specified for UnQuiesce

From the SCV/ESX/vmcontrol side, the below error is shown:
Failed to identify active path from ESX Host multipaths on host ESX2.domain.local
Scanning ESX Host multipaths on host ESX2.domain.local to identify active path used by LUN with UUID:
Failed to identify active path from ESX Host multipaths on host ESX2.domain.local


SDGetLunInfoResponse shows the error:
The user you are trying does not have permission to access the system. Please re-authenticate to continue or contact your administrator.

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