SCW upgrade failure - MSI install error 1618
Applies to
SnapCenter Plugin for Windows (SCW)
- SCW plugin upgrade fails with MSI install error code
. - The error is found in the
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Running event 'CA_InstallSCWMsi'
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Launching InstallScript action in function 'InstallSCWMsi'
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Engine: request for proxy handler, 0, 0
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: (ISP Action): InstallMsi: Install SCW with commandline: /i "C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Packages\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows.msi" /qn SUITE_SILENT_MODE=true ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress WEBSRV_HTTP_PORT=8145 INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows" SVCUSERNAME="<DOMAIN\ACCOUNT>" SCW_SER_CRED_USER="<DOMAIN\ACCOUNT>"
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: (ISP Action): InstallMsi: Launch Function Result: 0
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: (ISP Action): InstallMsi: Launch Result (Executed Installer): 1618
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: (ISP Action): InstallMsi: Install error: 1618
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: (ISP Action): InstallMsi: Unable to install SCW. Refer Log at: \\<HOST IP ADDRESS>\C$\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\Install_XXXXX\SCW_Package.log
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Action returned value 0x00000643
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Action 'CA_InstallSCWMsi' returned status 0x80070643
9-10-2024[12:36:38 PM]: Original exit status: 0x80070643, final exit status: 0x00000643