SCW failed to get resource object graphs using SMAPI
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-In for Windows (SCW)
- Disks are not discovered when performing a Refresh Disks on a Plug-In for Windows host
- The SCW_<JOB>.log for the resource discovery job reports the below error
Information SDW PID=[5152] TID=[22320] GetHostFileSystem: Return '0' lun fileSystems
Error SDW PID=[5152] TID=[22320] Failed to get resource object graphs using SMAPI. Error code: 0. Details: Failed to enumerate the disks.
Verbose SDW PID=[5152] TID=[22320] --SmapiToStorageResolver::GetResourceObjectGraphs
Verbose SDW PID=[5152] TID=[22320] ++VirtualDiskDiscoveryManager::ResolveVirtualDiskStorageLayout
Error SDW PID=[5152] TID=[22320] Error: The resource graph is null/empty
- Alternatively, you may see the following sequence and error:
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] query: select * from MSFT_Volume Where FileSystem = 'NTFS'
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] scope: \\SRV00123\root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] ++ConfigManager::GetConfigSettingIs_Wmi_Timeout_Set
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] INFO: Config setting for whether to do have WMI query time out is not found. Using the default value of False
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] INFO: WMI query time out = False
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] --ConfigManager::GetConfigSettingIs_Wmi_Timeout_Set
Information SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] Completed GetWindowsVolumes using select * from MSFT_Volume Where FileSystem = 'NTFS'
Error SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] Error: Failed to get Windows volumes
- Thirdly, WMI may not be responding properly causing the following outputs in addition to the error above:
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetWindowsVolumes: Added 0 volumes
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] --HostDiscoveryManager::GetWindowsVolumes
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Task threads completed
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Found 0 disks
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Found 0 partitions
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Found 0 hostVolumes
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] ++HostDiscoveryHelper::GetHostFileSystemList
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] INFO: SupportInstallableFileSystem flag not found.
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] Return SupportInstallableFileSystem as true
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] Support IFS
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] --HostDiscoveryHelper::GetHostFileSystemList
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystemList: Return 0 fileSystems
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Found 0 fileSystems
Verbose SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] --HostDiscoveryManager::GetHostFileSystem
Information SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Total fileSystems: '0'
Information SDW PID=[3652] TID=[2096] GetHostFileSystem: Return '0' lun fileSystems